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OpenUI5 formatter not reacting on model change

I tried to implement a formatter to set a button visible if two model variables are true so I used the parent model object as path for the formatter like:

<Button text="Button" visible="{path: 'myModel>/uiSwitches', type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Boolean', formatter: '.checkIfVisibleFormatter'}" />

My formatter looks something like this:

checkIfVisibleFormatter: function(uiSwitches) {
   return uiSwitches.switch1 && uiSwitches.switch2;

Now when changing the models value(switch1 or switch2) through getModel() and setData() the formatter is not called and the button is still in/visible.

let myModel = this.getOwnerComponent().getModel("myModel");
let myData = myModel.getData();
myData.uiSwitches.switch1 = false;

If I reference one of these model flags directly inside the button the ui at least refreshes on changes to this one.

<Button text="Button {myModel>/uiSwitches/switch1}" visible="{path: 'myModel>/uiSwitches', type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Boolean', formatter: '.checkIfVisibleFormatter'}" />

How would I make sure the formatter gets called everytime something inside uiSwitches changes?


  • Try changing your formatting code to :-

     <Button text="Button" visible="{
     parts : [
     { path: 'myModel>/uiSwitches/switch1', type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Boolean'},
     { path: 'myModel>/uiSwitches/switch2', type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Boolean'}
     formatter: '.checkIfVisibleFormatter'
     }" />

    and your formatter function to :-

    checkIfVisibleFormatter: function (switch1, switch2) {
            return switch1 && switch2;

    Also, ensure that complex binding is enabled in bootstrap. This should solve the problem.

    Off-topic, When you want to modify data in a model, try using the syntax :-
