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How to get value of DataGridTemplateColumn in DataGridCellEditEnding method

I have DataGrid and its itemsource is a list of object which is named WeightItemData.

My all columns in data grid are DataGridTextColumn except one that is DataGridTemplateColumn and it is a Combobox.

My problem is that i cannot get the updated combox value inside the DataGridCellEditEnding method.

   <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Crew" SortMemberPath="FsmTypes">
                        <TextBlock Text="{Binding FsmType}"></TextBlock>
                        <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding FsmTypes, Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" SelectedItem="{Binding FsmType,Mode=TwoWay}"></ComboBox>

    private void DataGridCellEditEnding(object sender, DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs e)
        TextBlock cmb = e.EditingElement as TextBlock;

        if (e.EditAction == DataGridEditAction.Commit)
            WeightItemData wid = e.Row.DataContext as WeightItemData;


  • I just solved my problem as below.

        private void DataGridCellEditEnding(object sender, DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs e)
            if (e.EditAction == DataGridEditAction.Commit)
                WeightItemData wid = e.Row.DataContext as WeightItemData;
                if (e.Column.SortMemberPath.Equals("FsmTypes")) {
                    FrameworkElement elmtTest = e.Column.GetCellContent(e.Row);
                    ComboBox fsmTypeCombo = ApplicationUtility.FindVisualChild<ComboBox>(elmtTest);
                        wid.FsmType = fsmTypeCombo.SelectedValue.ToString();
      public static T FindVisualChild<T>(DependencyObject obj) where T : DependencyObject
            for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj); i++)
                DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, i);
                if (child != null && child is T)
                    return (T)child;
                    T childOfChild = FindVisualChild<T>(child);
                    if (childOfChild != null)
                        return childOfChild;
            return null;