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Wikitude SDK remove from superview

I have implement Wikitude SDK and I manage to initialize using this code:

        wikitudeAR = [[WikitudeARViewController alloc] initWithDelegate:self applicationPackage:nil applicationKey:nil applicationName:nil developerName:nil];  

- (void) verificationDidSucceed {

    BuddyFinderAppDelegate *appDel = (BuddyFinderAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];

    [appDel.window addSubview: [wikitudeAR start]];
    [window makeKeyAndVisible]; 

How I will go back to my MainViewController View? (I want to call it from object "custombutton")


  • you can use CustomMenuButtonDelegateImpl1.m

    @implementation CustomMenuButtonDelegateImpl1
    - (void) customMenuButtonPressed:(WTPoi *)currentSelectedPoi {
        [[WikitudeARViewController sharedInstance] hide];
        [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarHidden = NO;

    and it woroks very well