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Git diff ignores textconv in submodules

My project is structured like so:

  - file.json
  - /submodule
    - submodule-file.json

Where the /submodule directory is a git submodule.

I have set up textconv to do some simple pre-processing of json files for diffing - my local .git/config file contains

[diff "json"]
    textconv = jq -S .

This works great for files in the main project - git diff file.json works as expected. But it doesn't work for files in the submodule.

git diff submodule/submodule-file.json produces no output at all.

cd submodule && git diff submodule-file.json produces a diff without the textconv applied.

I would prefer not to make these settings global, and would be happy if I could have them only apply to the submodule.

Is this possible?

git version 2.26.1


  • I would prefer not to make these settings global, and would be happy if I could have them only apply to the submodule.

    Yes, it's buried at the bottom of the description in the docs, but the top-priority source for attributes is the repo-local .git/info/attributes, anything specified there overrides any committed attributes and your own defaults.

    So find the repos where you want this diff applied, add \*.json diff=myjson at the end of an info/attributes file you probably have to make, and that'll override any diff specified elsewhere for that repo.

    You can find the actual repository for an inited submodule with

    git -C that/submodule rev-parse --absolute-git-dir

    or to do them all for example

    git submodule foreach --quiet --recursive git rev-parse --absolute-git-dir

    and that's the directory whose info/attributes file you want to update.