Is there any easy and native way to add html rendering of items per page selector to the paginator at the ListView ? I've looked through the docs:
Found everything I need, except rendering the page size selector. This is a bit strange, as this is a very common feature.
No there were no native way to do this, you can create your own or use this one:
Define in your model filter:
public $pagesize; // Property pagesize.
const ITEMS_PER_PAGE_INIT = 12; // Initial items per page
//Add or edit this in the same model `search` method:
public function search($params){
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $query,
'pagination' => [
// this $params['pagesize'] is an id of dropdown list that we set in view file
'pagesize' => ($this->pagesize) ? $this->pagesize : self::ITEMS_PER_PAGE_INIT,
public function rules()
return [
[['pagesize'], 'integer'],
* Return Static Array of elements per page
* @return array
public static function itemsPerPage()
return array(
12 => 12,
24 => 24,
48 => 48
This is how i implemented in view file:
<?= $form->field($filter, 'pagesize')->dropDownList(
'id' => 'pagesize',
'class' => 'form-control',
'onchange' => 'this.form.submit()',
))->label("Items per page: ")