I am trying to get snapshots and describe the snapshots from db_instances in the dict of regions:
regions = {'us-east-1':'us-east-2', 'us-west-1':'us-west-2'}
DB instances in region:
us-east-1 = testeast1
us-west-1 = testwest1
DB instances are called with this function and I can return all db instances in that region:
def rds_instances():
inst = []
for rg in regions.key():
res = boto3.client('rds', region_name=rg)
srcs = res.describe_db_instances()
for src in srcs['DBInstances']:
if src['DBInstanceStatus'] == 'available':
rds_db = src['DBInstanceIdentifier']
return inst
Get snapshots from regions:
def get_kms():
snapshots = []
for rg in regions:
src = boto3.client('rds', region_name=rg)
instances = rds_instances()
for instance in instances:
src_rds = src.describe_db_instances(DBInstanceIdentifier=instance)
if src_rds['DBInstances'][0]['DBInstanceStatus'] == 'available':
src_snap = src.describe_db_snapshots(DBInstanceIdentifier=instance, SnapshotType='automated')['DBSnapshots']
for snap in src_snap:
kms_id = snap['KmsKeyId']
return snapshots
Issue: I run into an issue when I attempt to get the rds snapshot from each region, it looks for the rds instance and checks for the rds instance in the wrong region and then returns an error:
DBInstanceNotFoundFault: An error occurred (DBInstanceNotFound) when calling the DescribeDBInstances operation: DBInstance testwest1 not found.
How do I modify the code to pass if an rds instance is not in that region, and avoid this error??
I also get the same error when I run the describe kms key command
. Same error running this command for destination regions:
for region in regions:
kms_client = boto3.client('kms', region_name=region)
keys = kms_client.describe_key(KeyId=alias_name)
Solution I got this resolved by using a simple try/except to catch the error and pass. Should have thought about this sooner!
for instance in instances:
src_rds = src.describe_db_instances(DBInstanceIdentifier=instance)
except ClientError:
I got this resolved by using a simple try/except to catch the error and pass.
for instance in instances:
src_rds = src.describe_db_instances(DBInstanceIdentifier=instance)
except ClientError: