I am trying to automate the Group Policy editing process as much as possible.
I have the following script to spawn the gpedit.msc process but it's window goes out of focus as soon as it opens:
FINDSTR /E "'VbsCode" %~f0 > %temp%\~temp.vbs
CSCRIPT //NOLOGO %temp%\~temp.vbs
Sub GPEditOptions 'VbsCode
On Error Resume Next 'VbsCode
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.shell") 'VbsCode
WshShell.Visible = False 'VbsCode
WshShell.Run "gpedit.msc",0 'VbsCode
:: WshShell.AppActivate "Local Group Policy Editor" 'VbsCode
End Sub 'VbsCode
GPEditOptions 'VbsCode
:: WScript.Quit 0 'VbsCode
How can I AppActivate
the window that has been opened by the newly spawned gpedit.msc process ? Specifically how to know what's the name/title of that window that has been opened ? "Local Group...Editor" doesn't work.
I think I eventually figured out, how to approach this problem. There are different types of processes.
In this case, I first need to select the Microsoft Management Console
window, since it's the parent process which spawns the actual "Local Group Policy Editor" child process.
So this code does the job of selecting the first Windows Component starting with letter "W" by sending a ton of keys priorly, and yes you do need Administrator elevation for proper selection of options in the gpedit.msc window:
@echo off
net file 1>nul 2>nul
if not '%errorlevel%' == '0' (
powershell Start-Process -FilePath "%0" -ArgumentList "%cd%" -verb runas >nul 2>&1
exit /b
cd /d %1
FINDSTR /E "'VbsCode" %~f0 > %temp%\~temp.vbs
CSCRIPT //NOLOGO %temp%\~temp.vbs
Sub GPEditOptions 'VbsCode
On Error Resume Next 'VbsCode
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.shell") 'VbsCode
WshShell.Visible = False 'VbsCode
WshShell.Run "gpedit.msc",0 'VbsCode
WScript.Sleep 500 : WshShell.AppActivate "Microsoft Management Console" 'VbsCode
WScript.Sleep 500 : WshShell.AppActivate "Local Group Policy Editor" 'VbsCode
WScript.Sleep 500 : WshShell.sendKeys "% x{TAB}{ENTER}" 'VbsCode
WScript.Sleep 500 : WshShell.sendKeys "{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}" 'VbsCode
WScript.Sleep 500 : WshShell.sendKeys "{DOWN}{DOWN}{ENTER}" 'VbsCode
WScript.Sleep 500 : WshShell.sendKeys "{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}" 'VbsCode
WScript.Sleep 500 : WshShell.sendKeys "{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}" 'VbsCode
WScript.Sleep 500 : WshShell.sendKeys "{DOWN}{DOWN}{ENTER}" 'VbsCode
WScript.Sleep 500 : WshShell.sendKeys "{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{W}" 'VbsCode
End Sub 'VbsCode
GPEditOptions 'VbsCode
WScript.Quit 0 'VbsCode
Hope this helps anyone facing similar issue.