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MapControl using XAML Island in WPF: default map layer is shown over custom tile layer

I've added a MapControl using this instruction to my WPF application. I wanted to add custom map layer to it, so I've added a OpenStreetMap tile layer using this instruction. I want to remove the default map at all, but it doesn't work.

I've tested the original MapControl in a UWP app and it works.

My code in WPF:

<Window x:Class="WpfApp1.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
        <controls:MapControl x:Name="mapControl" />
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()

            HttpMapTileDataSource dataSource = new HttpMapTileDataSource("{zoomlevel}/{x}/{y}.png");

            MapTileSource tileSource = new MapTileSource(dataSource);
            tileSource.Visible = true;
            tileSource.Layer = MapTileLayer.BackgroundReplacement;
            tileSource.IsFadingEnabled = false;
            mapControl.Style = Microsoft.Toolkit.Win32.UI.Controls.Interop.WinRT.MapStyle.None;

This is the WPF application. It shows OpenStreetMap layer and also default Bing map layer on top:

MapControl in WPF

This is the UWP app and shows only OpenStreetMap perfectly:

MapControl in UWP

Is there any solution to fix it in WPF?


I find out that this line doesn't apply correctly and it caused the error:

mapControl.Style = Microsoft.Toolkit.Win32.UI.Controls.Interop.WinRT.MapStyle.None;


  • Finally I found the solution. Add these lines to the initialization code:

    Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Maps.MapControl originalMapControl =
        mapControl.GetUwpInternalObject() as Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Maps.MapControl;
    if (originalMapControl != null)
        originalMapControl.Style = MapStyle.None;

    It fixes the defect.