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404 header in wordpress with php function

I have build a 404 page for my wordpress website. In my 404.phpI call the header function with <?php get_header(); ?>. I want to replace my normal Logo with a 404 Logo. In my header.php I add the following function:


    if ( is_404()){
        echo "test";
    else {
        echo "test1";


It is only for testing if I can do another thing to a 404 page and it is working.

Now I want to replace for the 404 page my logo. The Logo is a svg in both cases. This is the relevant part of the header.php:

    <header class="m-header">
        <div class="m-header-content">
            <div class="m-header-logo">
                 <a href="/">
                        <path class="st0" d="svgpath....."/>
        <?php wp_nav_menu( array(
            'theme_location' => 'main_menu',
            'container_class' => 'm-header-menu') );

Can someone give me an example how I can change the <svg> with my function at the top? Or can someone give me a documentation about it.


  • You can just use a conditional inside your markup at header.php for e.g.

                  <?php if (is_404()) { ?>
                       // Your 404 svg markup here.
                       <title>404 Logo<title>
                         <path class="st0" d="svgpath....."/>
                    <?php else { ?>
                     // Your regular logo svg here.
                       <title>Site Logo<title>
                         <path class="st0" d="svgpath....."/>
                  <?php } ?>

    In your provided header markup you can apply this like so -

    <header class="m-header">
        <div class="m-header-content">
            <div class="m-header-logo">
                 <a href="/">
                    <?php if ( is_404() ) { ?>
                       // Your 404 svg markup here.
                       <title>404 Logo<title>
                         <path class="st0" d="svgpath....."/>
                    <?php else { ?>
                     // Your regular logo svg here.
                       <title>Site Logo<title>
                         <path class="st0" d="svgpath....."/>
                  <?php } ?>
        <?php wp_nav_menu( array(
            'theme_location' => 'main_menu',
            'container_class' => 'm-header-menu') );

    P.S. for the bad formatting, answered via phone. Hope this helps 🙂