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Granting local user permissions to a foreign db table in postgres

I set up a connection to a foreign db using dblink_connect according to the docs:

CREATE SERVER fdtest FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dblink_fdw OPTIONS (hostaddr '', dbname 'foreign_test_db');

CREATE USER test_user WITH PASSWORD 'secret';
CREATE USER MAPPING FOR test_user SERVER fdtest OPTIONS (user 'test_user', password 'secret');
GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER fdtest TO regress_dblink_user;

\c - regress_dblink_user
SELECT dblink_connect('myconn', 'fdtest');

SELECT * FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM foo') AS t(a int, b text, c text[]);

The final 'GRANT SELECT' appears to infer that if it is meant to grant select permissions to local user test_user to the table foo on the fdtest foreign data wrapper. However, how I would interpret this command is that it is granting permissions to test_user to select on local table foo (which does not exist). As expected, when I run this command I get an error:

ERROR:  relation "foo" does not exist

I would love to know how to actually accomplish this. I would like to be able to restrict local users to only access certain tables from a foreign data wrapper.


  • You'll have to connect to the remote database and run the GRANT statement there.

    Of course you could do that via dblink, but then you'd have to connect with a superuser or the owner of the table.