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How to delete a repo from Docker Hub

How do I delete a repository from Docker Hub entirely?

Docker is evolving fast and so is their website. Here is the latest route to deleting your repo from docker hub web interface.


  • Firstly, make sure you are logged into


    1. Click Repositories link (on blue menu bar) on top
    2. Click the name of repo to be deleted
    3. Click Settings link (on white sub menu bar)
    4. Click the 'Delete repository' button
    5. In the confirmation dialog box, type the name of your repo to reconfirm
    6. Click Delete


    1. Click "Repositories" link on top menu bar* enter image description here

    2. Click on the repo you want to remove enter image description here

    3. Click "Settings" sub-menu enter image description here

    4. Decide from making it private or to delete and take action. enter image description here

    5. Type the name of the repo to reconfirm enter image description here

    6. When you have written the name of the repo, delete button would get enabled. Click it to delete your repo.