Trying to better my skills with ECMAScript with moving elements and their content. Regarding my scenario, Once the DOM is ready, I want to...
, if there is a <td>
that has label element with the value of "None".<td>
, copy that entire <td>
and append it to that <tr>
so that its the last <td>
in that row.<td>
that had the value of none.My HTML in code
<table id="myItems">
<td><input id="item10"><label for="item10">House</label></td>
<td><input id="item11"><label for="item11">None</label></td>
<td><input id="item12"><label for="item12">Car</label></td>
What I have tried so far, but needs to be improved....
//get table name
const mtarget = 'myItems';
//check if exists
if (document.getElementById(mtarget)) {
//make the swap
function init() {
//if so, target the specific table
const mtable = document.querySelector("#" + mtarget);
const lastrow = mtable.querySelectorAll('tbody tr')[3];
//within it, move the none <td> to the end of existing <tr>
const tdorgNone = lastrow.querySelectorAll('td')[1];
const tdcloneNone = tdorgNone.cloneNode(true);
I feel like I'm close, but notice I am not targeting the correct <td>
by the label value. I need a deeper understanding of finding the <td>
I want by knowing the inner values. How can I improve this code via ECMAScript in 2020?
With a query string, you can pretty concisely select the children of the <tr>
you want in an array. Then, you can .find
the <td>
with the label - if it exists, then just call appendChild
on the parent <tr>
, and the <td>
will be removed from its previous position and put at the bottom.
const mtarget = 'myItems';
const tds = [...document.querySelectorAll(`#${mtarget} tr:nth-child(4) td`)];
const noneTd = tds.find(td => td.children[1].textContent === 'None');
if (noneTd) {
<table id="myItems">
<td><input id="item10"><label for="item10">House</label></td>
<td><input id="item11"><label for="item11">None</label></td>
<td><input id="item12"><label for="item12">Car</label></td>