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ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '' (Tkinter)

When I try to run this code, a ValueError appears alluding to the function numRandom. I though Python could pass a string representation of a int to an int.

import tkinter
import random

window = tkinter.Tk()

x = random.randint(1,300)
remainingTime = True
Attempts = 4

def numRamdom():
    global Attempts
    while Attempts > 0:
        numWritten = int(entryWriteNumber.get())
        if numWritten > x:
            lblClue.configure(text = 'Its a bigger number')
            Attempts = Attempts -1
        if numWritten < x:
            lblClue.configure(text = 'Its a smaller number')
            Attempts = Attempts -1
        if numWritten == x:
            lblClue.configure(text = 'Congratulations ;)')
            remainingTime = False
            return remainingTime, countdown(0)
        if Attempts == 0:
            remainingTime = False
            return remainingTime, countdown(0), Attempts, gameOver()

entryWriteNumber = tkinter.Entry(window)
entryWriteNumber.grid(column = 0, row = 1, padx = 10, pady = 10)




  • The problem is because when the code is ran, it directly calls numRamdom(), that is, initially the entry widgets are empty, and they run it with those empty entry widget and hence the error. So just assign a button and a command, like:

    b = tkinter.Button(root,text='Click me',command=numRamdom)

    Make sure to say this before the mainloop() after the def numRamdom():. The button just runs the function only when the button is clicked.

    Or if you want button-less then try:


    root.after(5000,numRamdom) #after 5 sec it will execute function

    But keep in mind, if the user doesn't enter properly in 5 sec then some error would pop up.


    def numRamdom(event):

    This is so that, if you press enter key in the entry widget(after entering data) it will run the function.

    Hope this helps, do let me know if any errors.
