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Sending message through SoapUI

I opened my wsdl file locally with soapUI(not using my localhost url but directly showing the wsdl from my harddisc, using localhost url can not find schemas..!)

Anyway, it has loaded the wsdl, how can I send a message to my web service through soapUI? I have the message to be send;

<holyrequest xsi:schemaLocation=" Request.xsd"

<state reached="false">


I couldnt find a place to copy this message and start testing my web service


  • If your wsdl is imported correctly, you should see all operations.
    If you expand the operation you want to call, soap UI shows a default request (usually called "Request 1"). If you double-click that one, it will show an empty request generated by soapUI for your operation.
    You can edit the request on the left before sending it. The response will be shown on the right.