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How to add Mock db tables in C# test cases

How to create mock db tables for the separate class file in test cases to access the service test case and also I need for that tables between parent and child relation

 public static class MockTestData
        // Test data for the DbSet<User> getter
        public static IQueryable<EaepTieriiLangComp> Langcomps
            {   return new List<EaepTieriiLangComp>
                     new EaepTieriiLangComp{EaepAssessmentId=1,LangCompId=1,IsPrimary ="Y",LangId =1,LangReadId=1,LangWrittenId=1,LangSpokenId=1,LangUnderstandId=1 },
                     new EaepTieriiLangComp{EaepAssessmentId=2,LangCompId=1 ,IsPrimary ="N",LangId =2,LangReadId=2,LangWrittenId=2,LangSpokenId=2,LangUnderstandId=2 }//Lang =obj,LangRead=objRead,LangSpoken =objSpeak,LangWritten=objWrite,LangUnderstand=objUnderstand
        public static IQueryable<LookupLang> LookupLangs
            {   return new List<LookupLang>
                   new LookupLang{LangId = 1,Description = "lang1",IsActive="Y"},
                   new LookupLang{LangId = 2,Description = "lang2",IsActive="N"}

enter code here` I tried for the above flow but i didnot get relatons for that tables


  • Thank you so much advise to use EF core.InMemory package it is working fine now I followed below code

    Inmemory class

    using Assessments.TierIIQueryDataModel;
    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    namespace AssessmentCommandTest.Helpers
        public class InMemoryDataProviderQueryService : IDisposable
            private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls
            public DbQueryContext CreateContextForInMemory()
                var option = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DbQueryContext>().UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test_QueryDatabase").Options;
                var context = new DbQueryContext(option);
                if (context != null)
                return context;
            protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
                if (!disposedValue)
                    if (disposing)
                    disposedValue = true;
            public void Dispose()
    and access to DbQueryContext conext file in my code and write mock tables as below
    using AssessmentCommandTest.Helpers;
    using Assessments.TierIIQueryDataModel;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    namespace AssessmentCommandTest.MockDbTables
        public class MockQueryDbContext
            public TierIIQueryContext MockTierIIQueryContexts()

    //Create object for Inmemory DB provider var factory = new InMemoryDataProviderQueryService();

            //Get the instance of TierIIQueryContext
            var context = factory.CreateContextForInMemory();
            context.LookupLang.Add(new LookupLang { LangId = 1, Description = "Arabic", IsActive = "Y" });
            context.LookupLang.Add(new LookupLang { LangId = 2, Description = "Bangali", IsActive = "Y" });
            context.LookupLang.Add(new LookupLang { LangId = 3, Description = "English", IsActive = "Y" });
            context.LookupLang.Add(new LookupLang { LangId = 4, Description = "French", IsActive = "Y" });
    enter code here
                return context;