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Writing Eclipse plugin to modify Editor Preferences

I'd like to develop a plugin (tool bar buttons) for Eclipse CDT where users can easily switch between 8 and 4 spaces tabs and turn on/off soft tabs. (Why bother you asked? Thanks to the coding guideline in my org for tabbing difference between C/C++ legacy and new codes)

I managed to create toolbar buttons but I couldn't find information to modify Editor Preferences (The ones you normally find in Workspace preferences General->Editors->Text Editors).

The question 4587572 seems to cover a bit but I'm still very new to Plug-in dev so I don't really understand.

I guess I want to modify EDITOR_TAB_WIDTH and EDITOR_SPACES_FOR_TABS properties of org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDecoratedTextEditorPreferenceConstants for the running text Editor.

Not only modifying, I couldn't even read the properties with following code. Just returns me default value:30 I provided.

int width = Platform.getPreferencesService().getInt(
    "EDITOR_TAB_WIDTH", 30, null);

My question in summary is: How do I modify tab settings of a running Editor from my plugin?

Much appreciate for your help.


  • You can use code similar to the following to get and set preferences in any plugin.

    IPreferenceStore s = new ScopedPreferenceStore(new InstanceScope(), "org.eclipse.ui");
    ss.setValue("SHOW_MEMORY_MONITOR", true);