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Sentence similarity using universal sentence encoder by passing threshold

I have a data which is having more than 1500 rows. Each row has a sentence. I am trying to find out the best method to find the most similar sentences among all. I have tried this example but the processing is so much slow that it took around 20 minutes for 1500 rows data.

I have used the code from my previous question and tried many types to improve the speed but it doesn't affect much. I came across universal sentence encoder using tensorflow which seems fast and having good accuracy. I am working on colab you can check it here

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import re
import seaborn as sns

module_url = "" #@param ["", "", ""]
model = hub.load(module_url)
print ("module %s loaded" % module_url)
def embed(input):
  return model(input)

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["ID","DESCRIPTION"], data=np.matrix([[10,"Cancel ASN WMS Cancel ASN"],
                                                                [11,"MAXPREDO Validation is corect"],
                                                                [12,"Move to QC"],
                                                                [13,"Cancel ASN WMS Cancel ASN"],
                                                                [14,"MAXPREDO Validation is right"],
                                                                [15,"Verify files are sent every hours for this interface from Optima"],
                                                                [16,"MAXPREDO Validation are correct"],
                                                                [17,"Move to QC"],
                                                                [18,"Verify files are not sent"]

message_embeddings = embed(messages)

for i, message_embedding in enumerate(np.array(message_embeddings).tolist()):
  print("Message: {}".format(messages[i]))
  print("Embedding size: {}".format(len(message_embedding)))
  message_embedding_snippet = ", ".join(
      (str(x) for x in message_embedding[:3]))
  print("Embedding: [{}, ...]\n".format(message_embedding_snippet))

What I am looking for

I want an approach where I can pass a threshold example 0.90 data in all rows which are similar to each other above 0.90% should be returned as a result.

Data Sample
10    | Cancel ASN WMS Cancel ASN   
11    | MAXPREDO Validation is corect
12    | Move to QC  
13    | Cancel ASN WMS Cancel ASN   
14    | MAXPREDO Validation is right
15    | Verify files are sent every hours for this interface from Optima
16    | MAXPREDO Validation are correct
17    | Move to QC  
18    | Verify files are not sent 

Expected result

Above data which are similar upto 0.90% should get as a result with ID

10    | Cancel ASN WMS Cancel ASN
13    | Cancel ASN WMS Cancel ASN
11    | MAXPREDO Validation is corect  # even spelling is not correct
14    | MAXPREDO Validation is right
16    | MAXPREDO Validation are correct
12    | Move to QC  
17    | Move to QC 


  • There are multiple ways in which you can find similarity between two embedding vectors. The most common is cosine_similarity.

    Therefore the first thing you have to do is calculate the similarity matrix:


    message_embeddings = embed(list(df['DESCRIPTION']))
    cos_sim = sklearn.metrics.pairwise.cosine_similarity(message_embeddings)

    You get a 9*9 matrix with similarity value. You can create a heatmap of this matrix to visualize it.


    def plot_similarity(labels, corr_matrix):
      g = sns.heatmap(
      g.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=90)
      g.set_title("Semantic Textual Similarity")
    plot_similarity(list(df['DESCRIPTION']), cos_sim)



    The darker box means more similarity.

    And finally, you iterate over this cos_sim matrix to get all the similar sentence using threshold:

    threshold = 0.8
    row_index = []
    for i in range(cos_sim.shape[0]):
      if i in row_index:
      similar = [index for index in range(cos_sim.shape[1]) if (cos_sim[i][index] > threshold)]
      if len(similar) > 1:
        row_index += similar
    sim_df = pd.DataFrame()
    sim_df['ID'] = [df['ID'][i] for i in row_index]
    sim_df['DESCRIPTION'] = [df['DESCRIPTION'][i] for i in row_index]

    The data frame looks like this.


    There, are different methods with which you can generate the similarity matrix. You can take a look at this for more methods.