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Call 'hasOwnProperty' on a reponse (fetch-api)

I know this is kinda dumb/useless, but I would love to understand it. I tried to call hasOwnProperty on a response-object but it always returns false. Why?

(await fetch('')).hasOwnProperty('status');


  • In Chrome, at least, the status property is not actually an own-property, but a getter on the prototype:

    fetch('', { mode: 'no-cors' })
      .then((response) => {
          Object.getPrototypeOf(response) === Response.prototype
        console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Response.prototype, 'status'));

    So by referencing response.status, you'll be invoking the getter, despite the fact that the response does not have status as an own-property.

    Error objects in some environment behave the same way - in earlier versions of Firefox, for example, the .message property is a property of Error.prototype, rather than being an own property of the error instance.