i have implemented sample application to get the notification.i would like to display a notification when user entered a time and system time are equal then the notification should appear and also appear in on pause like reminder.Here i have used digital clock,i can able to see digital clock time it is running.when the user time and system time are equal that notification is not displaying.
i have written code as follows
//This is for get the system time
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getTimeInstance();
systime = df.format(new Date());// system time formate is :HH:MM:SS
//thi is for user entered data
notify(); //calling notify method to get the notification
it is not displaying any notification when usertime and systime are equals like reminder.
how can i display notification still the systime and usertime are equal like reminder notification?
please any body help me
thanks in advance
You should probably use AlarmManager to schedule notification.