I'm new to GIT and use EGit with Eclipse. I try to understand the Remote Tracking folder in eGits Git Repositories view. I'm working in a branch who has already been published to the remote repository. I'v made changes which I already pushed to the remote repository. In the Git Repositories view the displayed commit id for my branch under Local is the last commit id. But when I select the corresponding branch under Remote Tracking the commit id is a different one - an older one as shown in the history (See screenshots below). Why is that? I was under the impression this should show the state of the remote repository. This would allow me to see the difference between a branch in local repository and its corresponding remote repository. Or is there a better way to do this with EGit? Is that a normal state of this Remote Tracking branch?
History of local branch:
History of remote branch, several commits behind:
I was under the impression this should show the state of the remote repository.
It show the state of the remote repository at the time of your last fetch.
Make sure you do fetch from Egit your remote repo, and then check the history of the remote tracking branch again: it should be updated (assuming, as commented, that you had pushed your commits).