I am new to perl and I need to edit a text file by adding some text after i find a keyword(match), I need to save the changes in the same file but keeping all the old information, not overwrite anything.
The keyword (match) and the information I want to add will remain the same everytime even if the other data from the file will change.
To make a summary:
data that will change (not interested)
empty spaces < DATA >B506JGHD (< DATA > it would be the keyword(match) and i want to add for example 00000001 after it)
output that I need:empty spaces< DATA >00000001B506JGHD
empty spaces< DATA >J6443MNF
output:empty spaces< DATA >00000002J6443MNF
empty spaces< DATA >C89583F
output:empty spaces< DATA >00000003C89583F
other data (not interested)
and so on, it would be like 7 < DATA > in the file so I want to add 00000000 to 00000006 for each < DATA >.
I am looking for a simple solution if exists, I know that I probably need to read and go trough the text file find the keyword and rewrite everything but I am not sure how to do this.
What I tried so far is this:
use strict;
use warnings;
open FILE, "<FL_85E920795_Y060_H21_V001_E.odx" or die $!;
my @lines = < FILE >;
close FILE or die $!;
my $idx = 0;
my $string = '00000000';
do {
if($lines[$idx] =~ /< DATA >/)
splice @lines, $idx, 0, $string++;
} until($idx >= @lines);
open FILE, ">FL_85E920795_Y060_H21_V001_E.odx" or die $!;
print FILE join("",@lines);
close FILE;
but does not help me so much as my output is like this: 00000000 empty spaces < DATA >Info, if I try to move the data that I want in front of < DATA > it overwrites everything.
The first response that will work for me I will accept as a solution. Thank you very much
use strict;
use warnings;
my $counter = "00000000";
while (<>) {
s{< DATA >\K}{ $counter++ }eg;
the_script "$fn" >"$fn".new
mv "$fn".new "$fn"
"keeps" what was matched up to the \K
, and thus replaces only the empty string that follows < DATA >
with the value returned by the replacement expression.
As a "one-liner":
perl -i -pe'BEGIN { $c = "00000000" } s{< DATA >\K}{ $c++ }eg' \