My app fails with a 403: Forbidden message when making call to Sharepoint /sites/root. My authorisation flow follows these steps here.
To get a token, I first make a call to
This allows me to sign in with an administrator and discover the tenant_id. If accepted, the call returns the query param admin_consent = TRUE and the tenant_id.
I then use this to make a 2nd POST call to{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/token with the following body in the request: client_id=XXX&grant_type=client_credentials&client_secret=XXX&
NOTE: The scope is set to the Default ( I am requesting Sites.ReadWrite.All as an Application permission when I registered the app and that is all.
The response was:
'token_type': 'Bearer',
'expires_in': 3599,
'ext_expires_in': 3599,
'access_token': 'eyJ0...' (deliberately masked)
I then tried to use this in my application with /sites/root endpoint and receive the error 'Either scp or roles claim need to be present in the token'. When I decode the token using, I cannot see the 'roles' parameter visible.
In the Azure app, I can see that the application was indeed granted Admin access successfully so why doesn't my token return correctly? What am I missing? Surely by user /adminconsent as the first API call I don't need to manually authorise in the Azure portal too?
EDIT: Making a 2nd API call to get a new token after around 50 mins as the first token is close to expiring seems to work, I get the "roles" back in the decoded token. Is there a bug on the graph api causing this issue?
"roles": [
Is there a bug on the graph api causing this issue?
It is not a bug, all you did is correct, just a simple delay issue, the permission did not take effect when you request the token.