I'm trying to add an event stream for DynamoDB in YAML, DynamoDB table is a variable that changes based on
the environment it gets deployed to, I'm using Fn::GetAtt
to determine TABLE_NAME
but it's giving me an exception.
missed comma between flow collection entries in "erverless.yml" at line 60,
column28:Fn::GetAtt: [ ${self:custom.TABLE_NAME ...
TABLE_NAME : mix of account + env + name
- stream:
type: dynamodb
Fn::GetAtt: [ ${self:custom.TABLE_NAME}, StreamArn ]
Inside YAML flow collections, strings with characters like {
, }
, [
etc. have to be quoted, because {
starts a flow mapping and [
starts a flow sequence.
There is no space required for that.
So this is how it should look like:
Fn::GetAtt: [ '${self:custom.TABLE_NAME}', StreamArn ]
For information on pretty much all types of quoting in YAML you can have a look at https://www.yaml.info/learn/quote.html (disclaimer: I'm the author).