I am trying to convert the following command from CLI (that works) to python but I am having some problems.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-identity-token)" SERVICE_URL
The problem is that I cannot request a valid Bearer with application default local credentials token to make authorized request to Google Cloud Run. If I generate Bearer token from CLI gcloud auth print-identity-token
and use it in a python request all works fine
request_url = 'https://<my endpoint>'
identity_token = '<>' # response of gcloud auth print-identity-token)
header= {'Authorization': f'Bearer {identity_token}'}
requests.get(url=request_url, headers=receiving_service_headers)
From google auth documentation I understood that Cloud Run communicationis based on Identity Tokens that support Impersonated authentication but I cannot generate valid credential.
from google.auth import impersonated_credentials, default
from google.auth.transport.requests import AuthorizedSession
request_url = 'https://<my endpoint>'
source_credentials, project = default()
creds = impersonated_credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
authed_session = AuthorizedSession(creds)
resp = authed_session.get(request_url)
bui I get following error
google.auth.exceptions.GoogleAuthError: Provided Credential must be impersonated_credentials
Today it's impossible. I talked about it in an article. You need a service account to generate a valid JWT token with the Google Auth library. It's the same problem with all the library and all the languages.
Last week, I pushed a merge request in the Java auth library to solve this. I don't know why Google don't implement it by itself.
On your local environment, if you want to use the same code locally and in the cloud, you have to generate a service account key file and use it with ADC. And it's sadly a security issue...