title might be a bit weirdly formulated, so let me try to explain:
I use ZebraDesigner 3 Essentials in order to make a label. I then "print to file", which leaves me with a .prn containing code. I also tried the answer from this question: How to get ZPL code from a ZebraDesigner label? , leaving me with a .zpl file, which has the same content as the .prn file.
That content is similiar to zpl, but it seemingly is not the same. This is the result of a simple label, where "Text" is in the middle of it:
The second line from the button upwards is the problem, I believe. Around there is where, normally, "Text" would be standing, however, now there's just gibberish.
I absolutly need this to be saved correctly, as I later need to access it via python. Please help me by explaining why this happens, and / or how I can fix this.
You need to use a font that is built into the printer. If you set the font to Zebra 0 you get something like: