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Trying to convert list of OrderedDict to Dictionary Key value Python

I need to convert ordereddict to dictionary key value.

 test = [OrderedDict([('key', 'value'),
              ('name', 'A'),
              ('value', '5')]),
 OrderedDict([('key', 'value'),
              ('name', 'B'),
              ('value', '10')]),
 OrderedDict([('key', 'value'),
              ('name', 'C'),
              ('value', '25')])]here

Desired Output:
{'A': '5', 'B': '10', 'C': '25'}


  • Your test is essentially a list of dictionaries. Each of those dictionaries has a key 'name', which we want to be the key in our output, and a key 'value', which we want to be the value in our output. So, we can just use a dict comprehension to iterate through the dicts contained by test, and transform each one into a single key-value pair.

    output = {od['name']: od['value'] for od in test}
    # {'A': '5', 'B': '10', 'C': '25'}

    If you wanted the output to also be an OrderedDict, then you could feed a generator comprehension to the constructor:

    output_od = OrderedDict((od['name'], od['value']) for od in test)
    # OrderedDict([('A', '5'), ('B', '10'), ('C', '25')])