I need to write a predicate that gives true if X is older than Y. MY codes are below. I don't see anything wrong yet. Please help me.
born(jan, date(20, 3, 1977)).
born(joris, date(17, 3, 1995)).
born(jesus, date(24, 12, 0)).
born(joop, date(30, 4, 1989)).
before(date(_, _, Year1), date(_, _, Year2)) :-
Year1 < Year2.
before(date(_, Month1, Year ), date(_, Month2, Year)) :-
Month1 < Month2.
before(date(Day1, Month, Year ), date(Day2, Month, Year)) :-
Day1 > Day2.
older(X, Y) :-
X \= Y,
born(X, B1),
born(Y, B2),
before(B1, B2).
Query shoul give this.
?- older(jesus, Y).
The comparison X\= Y
in older/2
is being issued when either X
and/or Y
may be uninstantiated which will fail. You have to issue that comparison after you know they are instantiated with proper values, i.e. after calling born/2
for each of them:
older(X, Y) :-
born(X, B1),
born(Y, B2),
X \= Y,
before(B1, B2).
Also, as mentioned in the comments, the third clause of before/2
should be:
before(date(Day1, Month, Year ), date(Day2, Month, Year)) :-
Day1 < Day2.
Sample run:
?- older(jesus, Y).
Y = jan ;
Y = joris ;
Y = joop ;