Search code examples

Why is Google Maps Not Populating All Zip codes From Google Sheets Using Google Data Studio?

I'm created a map in Google Data Studio using zip codes to fill certain area's within the map. However, only 3 zip codes are filled and the other's are not. I tried importing the zip codes as a CSV and Google Sheets and I'm getting the same results.

I made sure the column is being seen as zip codes. I'm not sure what the problem could be.

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Data Set (Google Sheets):


Google Data Studio report


  • 0) Summary

    1. Issue: The geo type, zip code, may exist in multiple countries
    2. Suggestion: Create a calculated field which adds a country value

    1) Issue

    The problem occurs as Google Data Studio would need to "guess" what the country is. This is because a zip code, while unique to a specific country may not be unique when considering all countries in the world (this also applies to other geo types such as city).

    2) Suggestion

    Explicitly stating the country would ensure that that values are specific.

    This can be achieved using the format:

    Geo Field, Country

    The values would look like:

    06510, United States

    A CONCAT of the Zip Code field (titled zipcode-1) with a , followed by the Country (United States) would display the Geo values as expected:

    2.1) Calculated Field

    CONCAT(zipcode-1, ", ", "United States")

    NOTE: In this specific case, the country has to be manually stated within "" as there is no country field, however, if there is a Country field, use: CONCAT(Geo Field, ", ", Country)

    2.2) Type

    Geo > Postal Code

    The output will look like:

    zipcode-1 Geo
    06510 06510, United States
    06511 06511, United States
    06512 06512, United States
    06513 06513, United States
    06515 06515, United States
    06519 06519, United States
    06514 06514, United States

    Publicly editable Google Data Studio report (embedded Google Sheets data source) and a GIF to elaborate: