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Mulesoft Batch Processing Multiple Connectors

I have 3 Salesforce instances that I need to poll data from and then act on that data via watermarked changes. I am trying to design this in a way where it can be dynamic enough to where if I needed to add in another X number of sources, I'm not duplicating a bunch of business logic that all of the batches have in common.

Here is an example of what my current flow looks like with a single Salesforce Org.

enter image description here

Now what I was hoping to do was be able to somehow use a for-each over a config file that allowed me to pull the login credentials from the .properties file and poll each org and then process the records appropriately.

Is there a way this can be structured to have multiple polls/batches, but use different connectors?

The query on all the orgs are the same, it is only the connection that is different.

My .properties file looks something like this:

Can I do this in a dynamic fashion, or do I need to add a batch process for every org I add?


  • If you add a property with a comma separate list of orgs, it can be split into a list. With a <foreach> each element of the list can be used to parametrize the execution of the same batch per org.

    I would take the poll from the batch to trigger the flow instead.

    Example properties:


    Example flow and batch:

      <flow name="pollFlow">
        <poll doc:name="Poll" >
          <fixed-frequency-scheduler frequency="10" timeUnit="SECONDS"/>
          <logger message="Flow started" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
        <dw:transform-message doc:name="Transform Message">
          <dw:input-payload mimeType="application/java" />
          <dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
    %output application/java
    p('organizations') splitBy ',' map {
        user: p('sf.' ++ $ ++ '.user'),
        pass: p('sf.' ++ $ ++ '.pass'),
        token: p('sf.' ++ $ ++ '.token')
        <logger message="list of orgs credential: #[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
        <foreach doc:name="For Each">
          <batch:execute name="so-dynamic-propertiesBatch" doc:name="Batch Execute" />
      <batch:job name="orgBatch">
          <logger message="on input phase #[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" />
          <!-- here do the request with credentials payload.user, payload.pass and payload.token -->
          <batch:step name="Batch_Step1">