I am new to reverse engineering, and I have been looking at a simple program:
char* a = "hello world";
However, when I open this in ollydbg, I am not taken right to the assembly as I would have been in gdb, there are many more instructions first. I was wondering why this was happening.
Depending how you attach to the program with olly, you'll be take to one of two places(if no errors occurred):
): this occurs when you start a program with olly.NtUserBreakPoint
: this is when you attach to an existing process.To navigate to where you want you can use ctrl + e
to bring up the modules window, from there, select the module you want. Then use crtl + n
to bring up the symbols window for your current module (note: for non-exported symbols to be available, the pdb's need to be available or you need to perform an object scan of your obj's for that build).
if your taken to the ModuleEntryPoint
you can also just spelunk down the call chain (generally you want the second call/jmp), this gets you to the crt entrypoint, from there just look for a call with 3/5/4 args, this will be main
from here:
Blackene.<ModuleEntryPoint> 004029C3 E8 FC030000 CALL Blackene.__security_init_cookie
004029C8 ^ E9 D7FCFFFF JMP Blackene.__tmainCRTStartup
we goto here:
Blackene.__tmainCRTStartup 004026A4 6A 58 PUSH 58
004026A6 68 48474000 PUSH Blackene.00404748
004026AB E8 1C060000 CALL Blackene.__SEH_prolog4
004026B0 33DB XOR EBX,EBX
then scroll down here:
004027D3 6A 0A PUSH 0A
004027D5 58 POP EAX
004027D6 50 PUSH EAX
004027D7 56 PUSH ESI
004027D8 6A 00 PUSH 0
004027DA 68 00004000 PUSH Blackene.00400000
004027DF E8 2CF2FFFF CALL Blackene.WinMain
I'm assuming ollydbg 1.10 is being used.