I noticed that sorted list of key int sorts values numerically
SortedList < int,double> sl0 = new SortedList<int,double>();
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
sl0.Add(i, 0.01);
[0, 0.01]
[1, 0.01]
[2, 0.01]
[3, 0.01]
[4, 0.01]
[5, 0.01]
[6, 0.01]
[7, 0.01]
[8, 0.01]
[9, 0.01]
[10, 0.01]
[11, 0.01]
[12, 0.01]
[13, 0.01]
[14, 0.01]
[15, 0.01]
[16, 0.01]
[17, 0.01]
[18, 0.01]
[19, 0.01]
and sorted list of key string sorts values alphabetically
SortedList < string,double> sl1 = new SortedList<string,double>();
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
sl1.Add(i.ToString(), 0.01);
[0, 0.01]
[1, 0.01]
[10, 0.01]
[11, 0.01]
[12, 0.01]
[13, 0.01]
[14, 0.01]
[15, 0.01]
[16, 0.01]
[17, 0.01]
[18, 0.01]
[19, 0.01]
[2, 0.01]
[3, 0.01]
[4, 0.01]
[5, 0.01]
[6, 0.01]
[7, 0.01]
[8, 0.01]
[9, 0.01]
Is there any way to have a nested key that would be sorted numerically for instance the order has to look like this for the keys. First I imagined that I can use strings like that, but for sure they are sorted alphabetically:
For now I have a class that inherits sorted list:
public class Plates : Comparer<int[]> , IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, Plate>>{
//Store all plates as a sorted list
//String is use for storing groups
//i.e. 0, 1, 2 ... fn
//i.e. 0;0, 0;1, 0;2, 1;3, 1;4, 1;5 ... gn_fn
private SortedList<string, Plate> sortedPlates;
public Plates() {
sortedPlates = new SortedList<string,Plate>();
#region IEnumerable Implementation
public void Add(Plate item) => sortedPlates.Add(item.fID, item);
public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string,Plate>> GetEnumerator() => sortedPlates.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();
#region IComparer
public override int Compare(int[] x, int[] y) {
int[] a = x.Length < y.Length ? x : y;
int[] b = x.Length < y.Length ? y : x;
for(int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i])
return a[i].CompareTo(b[i]);
return 0;
Custom comparer:
class KeyComparer : IComparer<string>
public int Compare(string x, string y)
var xs = x.Split(';');
var ys = y.Split(';');
int min = Math.Min(xs.Length, ys.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < min; i++)
int cmp = xs[i].CompareTo(ys[i]);
if (cmp != 0)
return cmp;
return xs.Length.CompareTo(ys.Length);
var list = new SortedList<string, double>(new KeyComparer());
list.Add("0;1", 0);
list.Add("0;0;0", 0);
list.Add("0;10;1;0;0", 0);
list.Add("0;2", 0);
list.Add("0;10", 0);
list.Add("1;0", 0);
list.Add("3;1;2", 0);
list.Add("2;1", 0);
list.Add("3;1", 0);
list.Add("0;0", 0);
foreach (var x in list)