I'm currently developing Quarkus applications and need therefore a CI Pipeline + Container Registry.
As containerization through docker isn't working (docker daemon - priviliged mode) I want to use Jib, which is already supported by Quarkus.
Command in Pipeline:
- mvn clean package
The deploy token has all permissions there are, so that should not be the problem.
I also tried different variants of the command where I added the token in the registry url:
but in those cases obvious without these params:
But I got everytime the same respone:
Failed to execute goal io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:1.7.2.Final:build (default) on project (project):
Failed to build quarkus application: io.quarkus.builder.BuildException: Build failure: Build failed due to errors
[ERROR] [error]: Build step io.quarkus.container.image.jib.deployment.JibProcessor#buildFromJar threw an exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
The supplied container-image registry 'https://registry.gitlab.com/(group)/(project)' is invalid
I really hope that somebody has an idea, what is going wrong here.
In an other project I also used Jib to containerize a spring boot application and push it to the Google Container Registry, which is working when I use the Google SDK in advance.
- gcloud auth activate-service-account (account-name) --key-file=$gsdk_token
- gcloud auth configure-docker
Is there maybe a similar approach possible for the Gitlab Registry?
The error is thrown by this code based on this check. The "registry" string should in the form of, say,
Therefore, in your case, it should be
And I also noticed that Quarkus once enforced a very rigid format for an image reference (which I don't know is resolved as of now); you'll need to consult the Quarkus plugin doc to see how you can properly format the final image reference.
Also see these other Quarkus issues:
Bonus for Jib users:
It is great that Quarkus internally utilizes the Jib Core library (the same library that powers the Jib Maven/Gradle build plugins) to build a container image. But for those interested, the Jib build plugins also have Jib Quarkus extensions (Maven/Gradle) that directly containerize Quarkus apps.