I am trying to setup syslog in an asp.net core 2.2 project, but I can't find anything that explains this. The sample code on NLog.Target.Syslog doesn't explain enough for a newbie. I have setup logging to file using example code.
<target xsi:type="Syslog" name="cee-udp">
<sl:layout xsi:type="SimpleLayout" text="@cee: {"message": "${message}"}" />
<sl:hostname xsi:type="SimpleLayout" text="${machinename}" />
<sl:appName xsi:type="SimpleLayout" text="DAEMON.MyAppName" />
<sl:procId xsi:type="SimpleLayout" text="${processid}" />
<sl:msgId xsi:type="SimpleLayout" text="${threadid}" />
Can you please explain what I should be putting for machinename - is that the target host or the source? How do I specify the IP of the syslog server? What is process and threadID and where is it getting the variables from?
I have Virtual Syslog Server running on another machine to test this.
just add this config target to section in Nlog.config file of your project :
<target xsi:type="Syslog" name="syslogTarget">
<sl:layout xsi:type="SimpleLayout" text="${message}" />
<sl:udp server="" port="514" connectionCheckTimeout="0" />