I want to use my own S3 storage and display the image that was just uploaded. How can I get the filename that was uploaded to S3? For example I can upload a jpg image to UploadCare. This is the output I can get: fileInfo.cdnUrl: "https://ucarecdn.com/6314bead-0404-4279-9462-fecc927935c9/" fileInfo.name: "0 (3).jpg"
But if I check my S3 bucket this is the file name that was actually uploaded to S3: https://localdevauctionsite-us.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/6314bead-0404-4279-9462-fecc927935c9/03.jpg
Here is the javascript I have so far:
var widget = uploadcare.Widget('[role=uploadcare-uploader]');
widget.onChange(group => {
group.files().forEach(file => {
file.done(fileInfo => {
// Try to list the file from aws s3
console.log('CDN url:', fileInfo.cdnUrl);
console.log('File name: ', fileInfo.name);
Filenames are sanitized before copying to S3, so the output file name can contain the following characters only:
The following function can be used to get a sanitized file name:
function sanitize(filename) {
var extension = '.' + filename.split('.').pop();
var name = filename.substring(0, filename.length - extension.length);
return name.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/g, '') + extension;
The final S3 URL can be composed of the S3 base URL, a file UUID, which you can obtain from the fileInfo
object, and a sanitized name of the uploaded file.