Following code is completely valid in the V programming language:
fn main() {
a := 1.
b := .1
println("$a $b")
for i in 0..10 {
I want to write a Lexer for syntax coloring such files. 1.
and .1
should be matched by FloatNumber
fragment while the ..
in the for
-loop should match by a punctuation rule. The problem I have is that my FloatNumber
implementation already matches 0.
and .10
from the 0..10
and I have no idea how to tell it not to match if a .
follows (or is in front of it). A little bit simplified (leaving possible underscores aside) my grammar looks like this:
fragment FloatNumber
: ( Digit+ ('.' Digit*)? ([eE] [+-]? Digit+)?
| Digit* '.' Digit+ ([eE] [+-]? Digit+)?
fragment Digit
: [0-9]
Then you will have to introduce a predicate that checks if there is no .
ahead when matching a float like 1.
The following rules:
: '+'
: Digit+ '.' {_input.LA(1) != '.'}?
| Digit* '.' Digit+
: Digit+
: '..'
given the input "1.2 .3 4. 5 6..7 8.+9"
, will produce the following tokens:
FloatLiteral `1.2`
FloatLiteral `.3`
FloatLiteral `4.`
Int `5`
Int `6`
Range `..`
Int `7`
FloatLiteral `8.`
Plus `+`
Int `9`
Code inside a predicate is target specific. The predicate above ({_input.LA(1) != '.'}?
) works with the Java target.