I need to compare and match the longest match of two strings in two different tables and update one values if there is a closest match.
Table 1 Table 2
stack1 stack2
I need to compare these two tables and match the closeet one and update Table 1 first row as ABCDEF the closest match, Please can anyone help me out. I am stuck here.
Here is my query
UPDATE table1 A
SET A.stack1 = (SELECT DISTINCT B.stack2
FROM table2 B
WHERE A.stack1 LIKE CONCAT(B.stack2,'%'))
WHERE name = 'name';
with this query am getting an error called
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
You need to make the subquery return only a single match (the longest one). In your case MAX should do that.
UPDATE table1 A
SET A.stack1 = (SELECT Max( B.stack2 )
FROM table2 B
WHERE A.stack1 LIKE CONCAT(B.stack2,'%'))
WHERE name = 'name';
Also, you should think about the case where nothing matches.