I need to get the starting <form>
tag of an existing form, as is, with attributes, without content and the closing </form>
tag, to use it for a new dynamically created form. So, I need only the string <form method="post" class="form" data-id="19" data-title="Schema" data-slug="schema" data-message-success="Success!" data-message-invalid-email="Not valid!" data-message-required-field-missing="All fields are required!" data-message-error="Error!">
How to do this in pure PHP?
My form:
<form method="post" class="form" data-id="19" data-title="Schema" data-slug="schema" data-message-success="Success!" data-message-invalid-email="Not valid!" data-message-required-field-missing="All fields are required!" data-message-error="Error!">
--- Form content ---
Right now I found only how to get the form attributes to add them to a new form. I know, I can just loop over that and and create the new form, but I am not an expert and I suppose that there can exist a more elegant solution.
function parseTag($content,$tg) {
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$attr = array();
foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName($tg) as $tag) {
foreach ($tag->attributes as $attribName => $attribNodeVal) {
return $attr;
//$html variable contain the above form
$attrib_arr = parseTag($html,'form');
array(9) {
string(4) "post"
string(19) "form"
string(2) "19"
string(23) "Schema"
string(27) "schema"
string(50) "Success!"
string(52) "Not valid!"
string(41) "All fields are required!"
string(25) "Error!"
As I understand your problem, you want the opening form tag with attributes. For this you could use something like the following:
$html = <<<HTML
<form method="post" class="form" data-id="19" data-title="Schema" data-slug="schema" data-message-success="Success!" data-message-invalid-email="Not valid!" data-message-required-field-missing="All fields are required!" data-message-error="Error!">
--- Form content ---
<div>with some tags</div>
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
foreach ($xpath->query('//form') as $formTag) {
// remove child nodes of the form tag
foreach ([...$formTag->childNodes] as $child) {
// output as string, but remove the closing tag
echo substr($doc->saveHTML($formTag), 0, -7);