I am trying to figure out whether it is possible to define executions of a Maven plugin in a <pluginManagement>
section of a parent pom and pick a specific execution, and only that one, in a child project.
To be more specific, I have several multi-module projects that inherit from our company-wide parent pom. In the <pluginManagement>
section of the parent pom, I have several executions of maven-resources-plugin using the copy-resources goal, all bound to phase validate but using different configurations:
After experimenting many hours on a child project, I would like to:
An example child project has these modules, where the first one is the only module where copy-logback is really needed:
The best I have arrived at now is to leave common executions in the parent POM, which gives me item #1 in the first list above, but still leaves me cloning the exact same plugin configuration in multiple modules. The configuration that I'm cloning is this:
<!-- Copy logback.xml from the parent to the main resources folder, filtering the application name used in log file names. -->
This unfortunately diminishes the usefulness of a <pluginManagement>
section in the parent POM as the identical configuration cannot be defined only once. I have to define it in each module of our Portfolio that uses logback, which amounts to tens of times.
To solve my duplication problem, I am thinking that maybe, it's possible to define an execution of a plugin that can be selectively triggered where it's needed. Is it possible?
You can add a skip parameter to the configuration of each execution like:
And then you can choose in each module whether to use or skip the execution by setting the property <copy.logback.skip>
to true
or false