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Shibboleth SP logout does not redirect to my correct server URL

I have recently configured Shibboleth Service Provider for my IIS web server and Microsoft Azure. The authentication works like a charm but I do have some problems getting Azure or Shibboleth to redirect to my correct local logout page.

To be honest then I am not 100% sure how the logout mechanism works but from my web page I am calling this logout:

This will in fact log me off from Azure on my application but my problem is that it will show this standard Shibboleth logout page after logoff:

Local Logout
Status of Local Logout: Logout completed successfully.
You MUST close your browser to complete the logout process.

But I want it to redirect to instead of this standard information. After some more troubleshooting I found that I could add an URL return parameter like this:

But this gives the exact same local HTML file from Shibboleth.

I know that I can change the local Shibboleth /etc/localLogout.html file to redirect to my logout URL:

<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=''" />

But this seems to be a bad and cumbersome method so surely I am missing out some details here. I am using [Shibboleth][2] v3.1.0.1 with IIS and PHP if this is relevant.

Can anyone point me in a direction on how I can navigate directly to my logout page?


  • I will answer the question myself as there have been no other solutions propossed and this seems to work for me.

    I have found the problem with this as it seemed to be myself being too impatient ;-) I think I may have tested the logout functionality too soon after the configuration changes in Azure as Azure needs some time before the changes get effectuated.

    I have now found out that when I have this Logout URL configured in Azure then it redirects me back to the above standard Shibboleth /etc/localLogout.html logout page.

    When I configure the Azure Logout URL to be then it actually will redirect directly back to this page from Azure.

    It is not required to redirect back to the same URL as the one configured in Azure - you can just have a link on your web page like this and it will redirect back to this after logout.

    Morale here - be a little more patient and allow for some Azure synchronization time before rushing out and doing a lot of configuration changes :-)