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Salesforce Rest API call from typescript using axios

I am trying to fetch records from a scratch org using the tooling API provided by salesforce and user access token. Lets say

accesstoken = "abcd"
url = ",Name+FROM+Account"

I have used axios node module to make the API call as given below

    const options = {
        headers: {
            "Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken,
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
    axios.get(url, options).then(response => {
        if(response.status == 200){
        } else {
            //do something else

The call responds with a status 200 i.e the request provided a response. But instead of correct records from Account object, I get the login html page

' Login | Salesforcehtml{visibility: hidden;}a{color:#0070d2;}body{background-color:#F4F6F9;}#content,.container{background-color:#ffffff;}#header{color:#16325c;}body{display: table; width:100%;}#content{margin-bottom:24px;}#wrap{height:100%;} html { visibility: hidden; } if (self == top) { = 'visible';} else {document.write = ''; top.location = self.location; setTimeout(function(){document.body.innerHTML='';}, 1);window.self.onload=function(evt){document.body.innerHTML='';};}var SFDCSessionVars={"server":"","im":true,"ah":"active","save":"Save","saveOne":"Save 1 Change","sum":"#p# Saved Usernames","iaac":false,"hac":"Choose a Username","suo":"1 Saved Username","title":" | Salesforce","saveMany":"Save #p# Changes","lpt":"Login","lllbl":"Lightning Login","host":"","le":false,"heu":"Edit Username List","ic":false,"lh":false,"ur":"","hidp":"Log In Using","ih":"inactive","dc":"Username removed. Click Save to Commit Changes."};LoginHint.hideLoginForm();Edit ListSaveCancel

UsernamePassword Caps Lock is on.Remember me
Forgot Your Password?To go to your company's login page, enter the custom domain name.

Custom Domain In with a Different Username© 2020, inc. All rights reserved.<iframe frameborder="0" src="/s.gif" id="marketing" name="marketing" scrolling="no" title="Marketing" tabindex="-1"sandbox="allow-forms allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts" >LoginLoginHint.getSavedIdentities(false);function handleLogin(){document.login.un.value=document.login.username.value;document.login.width.value=screen.width;document.login.height.value=screen.height;document.getElementById("Login").disabled=true;document.getElementById("login_form").submit();}function lazyload(){document.getElementById("pwcapsicon").src="/img/icon/capslock_blue.png";document.getElementById("marketing").src="";}loader();


Does anyone know what am I missing in here? According to salesforce documentation the accessToken in the header should be enough to make the API call.

Note: I gained the access token by running

sfdx force:user:display -u <username>


    1. Your query is wrong. You selected Tooling API service which is for metadata (info about classes, triggers, objects, fields, deployments, running unit tests...). If you want to query Accounts - that's normal data. Try just /services/data/v49.0/query?q=SELECT+Id,Name+FROM+Account

    enter image description here

    1. I don't think you need Content-Type header in there. You don't POST anything. At best you can send Accept (application/json, application/xml)

    2. Are you sure the session id was valid? As in you could go to the org, Setup -> Session management, see it there? Or in the user's login history?

    3. It might be that your SF admin did something nasty like locking sessions down to IP from which they originated or maybe the user doesn't have API access... See if you can create your call in Workbench -> Utilities -> REST Explorer first, then go back to Axios?