I wanted to know if it was possible to resize the image dynamically(maintaining its aspect ratio). I made an image viewer app, but then the vertically long images overflow the screen, so i wanted to know a method to resize image, ive tried a way and its included below. But still im getting the same output that overflows the screen.
from win32api import GetSystemMetrics
from tkinter import *
screen_width, screen_height = GetSystemMetrics(0), GetSystemMetrics(1)
root = Tk() # this is your window
root.geometry("{}x{}".format(screen_width//2, screen_height//2)) # set size of you window here is example for 1/2 screen height and width
img = Image.open("picture_name.png")
width, height = screen_width//4, screen_height//4
img.resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
l = Label(root,image=img)
Still im getting an image that is not resized, dont know why.
Then i tried out this method, where I set a resolution, and it works fine for my screen. but if i were to send to someother people, it would not dynamically adjust.
desired_size = 950
im = Image.open('img.png')
old_size = im.size
ratio = float(desired_size)/max(old_size)
new_size = tuple([int(x*ratio) for x in old_size])
im = im.resize(new_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
l = Label(root, image=img)
l.image = img
I would like to know a way to dynamically resize the image maintaining its aspect ratio as well, so no distortion takes place, like the Photos app in Windows 10.
Whole code:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from glob import glob
from tkinter import filedialog
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
root = Tk()
root.title('Image Viewer App')
def forward_image(event=None):
global n
n += 1
if n > len(main_img)-2:
forward['state'] = DISABLED
backward['state'] = NORMAL
root.bind('<Key-Left>', backward_image)
im = Image.open(main_img[n])
old_size = im.size
ratio = float(desired_size)/max(old_size)
new_size = tuple([int(x*ratio) for x in old_size])
im = im.resize(new_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
l.image = img
status.config(text=f'{n+1} of {total} images')
def backward_image(event=None):
global n
n -= 1
if n <= 0:
backward['state'] = DISABLED
forward['state'] = NORMAL
root.bind('<Key-Right>', forward_image)
im = Image.open(main_img[n])
old_size = im.size
ratio = float(desired_size)/max(old_size)
new_size = tuple([int(x*ratio) for x in old_size])
im = im.resize(new_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
l.image = img
status.config(text=f'{n+1} of {total} images')
def path():
global main_img
path = filedialog.askdirectory(
initialdir='c:/', title='Select a folder with images')
img_png = glob(path+'/*.png')
img_jpg = glob(path+'/*.jpg')
main_img = img_jpg + img_png
n = 0
desired_size = 950
im = Image.open(main_img[n])
old_size = im.size
ratio = float(desired_size)/max(old_size)
new_size = tuple([int(x*ratio) for x in old_size])
im = im.resize(new_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
l = Label(root, image=img)
l.image = img
forward = Button(root, text='Forward', command=forward_image)
backward = Button(root, text='Backward', command=backward_image)
backward['state'] = DISABLED
total = len(main_img)
status = Label(root,text=f'{n+1} of {total} images',bg='white',font=('helvetica',10))
root.bind('<Key-Left>', backward_image)
root.bind('<Key-Right>', forward_image)
root.bind('<Escape>', lambda event: root.state('normal'))
root.bind('<F11>', lambda event: root.state('zoomed'))
if total <= 1:
backward['state'] = DISABLED
forward['state'] = DISABLED
if total == 0:
messagebox.showerror('No image','Choose a directory with images.')
Thanks in advance :D
Here ya' go. With a scale
of 1.0
or lower the image will always fit in it's master. This answer is based on @HenryYik answer, but made more dynamic through the addition of the scale
argument, and the logic to consider overflow in every direction. Also, instead of being based on window screenspace it's based on master screenspace, and that consideration is made in resizing
, as opposed to in __init__
other changes:
to __init__
a superclass is not ideal, so that part has been changed to a more strict syntax.kwargs
, for every widget, you will never use *args
, so it has been omitted.import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox, filedialog
from glob import glob
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
#configure root
root = tk.Tk()
root.title('Image Viewer App')
root.bind('<Escape>', lambda event: root.state('normal'))
root.bind('<F11>', lambda event: root.state('zoomed'))
class Slide(tk.Label):
def __init__(self, master, image_path:str='', scale:float=1.0, **kwargs):
tk.Label.__init__(self, master, **kwargs)
self.img = None if not image_path else Image.open(image_path)
self.p_img = None
self.scale = scale
self.bind("<Configure>", self.resizing)
def set_image(self, image_path:str):
self.img = Image.open(image_path)
def resizing(self, event=None):
if self.img:
iw, ih = self.img.width, self.img.height
mw, mh = self.master.winfo_width(), self.master.winfo_height()
if iw>ih:
ih = ih*(mw/iw)
r = mh/ih if (ih/mh) > 1 else 1
iw, ih = mw*r, ih*r
iw = iw*(mh/ih)
r = mw/iw if (iw/mw) > 1 else 1
iw, ih = iw*r, mh*r
self.p_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.img.resize((int(iw*self.scale), int(ih*self.scale))))
total = 0
slide_num = 0
def get_slides():
global total
path = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir='c:/', title='Select a folder with images')
cache = glob(path+'/*.png') + glob(path+'/*.jpg')
total = len(cache)
if not total:
m = messagebox.askyesno('No Images','The directory you have chosen does not contain any images. Try Again?')
if m:
return get_slides()
return cache
image_cache = get_slides()
def commit_slide(n, t):
status.config(text=f'{n+1} of {t} images')
def next_slide(event=None):
global slide_num, total
slide_num = (slide_num+1)%len(image_cache) #wrap
commit_slide(slide_num, total)
root.bind('<Key-Right>', next_slide)
def previous_slide(event=None):
global slide_num, total
slide_num = range(len(image_cache))[slide_num-1] #wrap
commit_slide(slide_num, total)
root.bind('<Key-Left>', previous_slide)
#init display widgets
slide = Slide(root)
tk.Button(root, text='prev', command=previous_slide).place(relx=.02, rely=.99, anchor='sw')
tk.Button(root, text='next', command=next_slide).place(relx=.98, rely=.99, anchor='se')
status = tk.Label(root, bg='white', font=('helvetica',10))
status.place(relx=.5, rely=.99, anchor='s')
#init first slide
commit_slide(slide_num, total)