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How to get the finalY of lastAutoTable in jspdf-autoTable

I am using angular 9.I have a requirement to convert a html table with some content above and below the table into pdf. I am using jspdf-autotable.I followed the examples in the link and I am able to write a heading and then generate the table.The problem is when I need to add some text lines below the table.

My code is as below.

const doc = new jsPDF();
doc.text('ATTENDANCE REPORT FOR DEPOT - '+this.depotId, 14, 22);
autoTable(doc, { html: '#report-per-depot',startY: 30, });
doc.text(" ", 14, doc.lastAutoTable.finalY + 10)'AttandancePerDepot.pdf');


The error I get is

Property 'lastAutoTable' does not exist on type 'jsPDF'.

I tried to import lastAutoTable as, import lastAutoTable from 'jspdf-autotable';
I doesnt show any error,but I am not sure how to get the finalY from it.


The above doesnt show error but its return type is void.So this is where I am stuck. How do I get the finalY position in angular 9 or 10?


  • You're getting this error because Typescript is a strongly Typed language & lastAutoTable is not defined in the index.d.ts file (under jsPdf node module).

    Below is a small hack to get around this error & get finalY value.

    import jsPDF from 'jspdf';
    import 'jspdf-autotable';
    let finalY = (doc as any).lastAutoTable.finalY;

    This worked for me in my Angular 10 project