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Why ESLint throws 'no-unused-vars' for TypeScript interface?

So, I have this piece of code in .ts file:

import {MicroEventInterface} from '../Interfaces';

export default class MicroEvent implements MicroEventInterface {

// code

And ESLint throws this error:


I have this config for TypeScript in ESLint:

typescript: {
    extends: [
        'plugin:@private/private/react' // private rep with React config
    parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
    plugins: [
    settings: {
        'import/resolver': {
            'node': {
                'extensions': [
                'moduleDirectory': [
        react: {
            createClass: 'createClass',
            pragma: 'React',
            version: '0.14.9'

So, everything seems like fine, but I can't conquer this error.

Any suggestions?



Looks like if I console.log( --- , MicroEventInterface); error disappears. I think, ESLint does not treat implements as actual usage.


  • Source: I am the maintainer of the typescript-eslint project.

    The latest version of the @typescript-eslint tooling now has full support for scope analysis.

    So the steps to fix this are now:

    • update your versions to at least v4.9.1 of @typescript-eslint/parser and @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
    • update your ESLint version to at least v6.0.0
    • update your config to use @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars

    Restart your IDE and you should now see the correct lint errors.