I'm trying to recreate a solar system in VR. I was able to recreate revolution by setting up each planets as the child entity of the sun, and then using the animation function to rotate the sun. However, I would like to make it more realistic by having each planet revolve around the sun at different rates. How would this be done without actively writing out a separate javascript file for the animation? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Don't make planets children of the sun. Use an entity as center of the solar system and rotate each planet around a pivot. You can apply different animations to different planets:
<a-entity id="earthPivot"
animation="property: rotation; easing: linear; to: 0 360 0; dur: 5000; loop: true;">
<a-sphere id="earth" position="0 0 -3.2" radius="0.5" color="blue"></a-sphere>