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How zsh zle prevent variable CURSOR to be modified arbitrarily in runtime?

As the document says, the zle variable CURSOR can only be in range [0, $#BUFFER].

Test code (put it into .zshrc, the ^[OP is F1):

testCursor() {
  echo "\nOriginal C: $CURSOR"
  echo "Change Buffer: $CURSOR"
  echo "Force edit: $CURSOR"
  echo "Force assign: $CURSOR"
zle -N testCursor
bindkey '^[OP' testCursor

enter image description here

The CURSOR satisfied it's range definition in runtime, how did the zsh-zle implements it?


  • The CURSOR value is handled in Zsh's source code, which is implemented in the C programming language:

    There is no way for you to declare a similarly constrained variable in Zsh shell code.

    However, you can write a math function for it instead:

    # Declare a global integer.
    typeset -gi TEST=0
    # -H makes these hidden, that is, not listed automatically.
    typeset -gHi _TEST_MIN=0 _TEST_MAX=10
    # Load `min` and `max` functions.
    autoload -Uz zmathfunc && zmathfunc
    set_test() {
      (( TEST = min(max($1,$_TEST_MIN),$_TEST_MAX) ))
    get_test() {
      return $(( min(max($TEST,$_TEST_MIN),$_TEST_MAX) ))
    # Declare `set_test` as a math function accepting exactly one numeric argument.
    functions -M set_test 1
    # Declare `get_test` as a math function accepting exactly zero arguments.
    functions -M get_test 0

    You can then use these in arithmetic statements, with this syntax:

    ❯ print $(( get_test() ))
    ❯ (( set_test(100) ))
    ❯ print $(( get_test() ))

    But also in other contexts, with this syntax:

    ❯ set_test -1
    ❯ get_test; print $?