We use devops boards and repos and we currently have a consultant for a framework we use. I'd like for this repo to be shared with read access only if possible. E.g. he should be able to clone / update the repo but not much else.
This consultant does not have a devops license i think. Is there any way i can share my code hosted in devops repos to this consultant?
If you have a public project, you could add him as a Stakeholder for free (learn.microsoft.com).
If it's private, you can add him as a basic user (as long as you have less than 5 users it's free!) or alternatively:
You could generate a PAT and just:
git clone https://<anything>:<your-pat-here>@dev.azure.com/<organization>/<project>/_git/<repo>
So one can access the repository locally without having access to DevOps.