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Why am I getting a 403 error when making a POST request using tetpyclient?

Trying to make a POST request in Cisco's Tetration API using their tetpyclient. I get a 200 response when using a get request, but 403 when making POST request with json filters for querying flows. Is my syntax for the json data incorrect or is there a syntax error in my python?

from tetpyclient import RestClient
import urllib3
import json
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from flask import *

API_ENDPOINT = "https://"
restclient = RestClient(API_ENDPOINT, credentials_file = 'path/to/credentials.json', verify = False)
get = restclient.get("/flowsearch/metrics")
print (get.status_code) ##to test if api can be reached

req_payload = {"t0": "2020-08-01T09:00:00-0700",
               "t1": "2020-08-01T10:00:00-0700",
               "scopeName": "Default",
               "limit": 10,
               "filter": {                  
                  "type": "and",
                  "filters": [
                     {"type": "eq", "field": "src_address","value": "" },
                     {"type": "eq", "field": "dst_address","value": "" }

resp ='/flowsearch', json_body=json.dumps(req_payload))

print (resp.status_code)

if resp.status_code == 200:
   parsed_resp = json.loads(resp.content)
   print (json.dumps(parsed_resp, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

I appreciate any and allfeedback! Here is link to tetration api docs:


  • The HTTP 403 is a HTTP status code meaning access to the requested resource is forbidden for some reason

    It looks like the credentials you are using are not allowed to call /flowsearch