I am trying to fetch a column of a datastore entity in Google Cloud Platform
. I can do it by writing a GQL
query from the console, but I want to do the same using a python script and use the same GQL query and run it through the cloudshell
of GCP.
Here is a table similar to the one used in datastore :
I have to find out the names whose Salary is more than 280000. I wrote a GQL query in the console :
SELECT Name from Person where Salary>280000 ;
I got the result, but I want to do the same using Python script which could run in the cloudshell
Its pretty simple.
from google.cloud import datastore
client = datastore.Client()
query = client.query(kind='Kindname')
query = query.add_filter('Salary', '>', 280000)
l = query.fetch()
l = list(l)
if not l:
print("No result is returned")
d = dict(l[0])