I have a public class and have two static members , I want to set the value of these static members using a static constructor . But the member getting accessed from .aspx page even before the static constructor initializes it .
Any input on how to prevent this and get the constructor to be hit before always .
Adding a small code reference for this :
public class test
public string var1 ;
public string Description;
public string var2;
public string var3;
public static List<Feature> MasterFeatureList = new List<Feature>();
static test()
if (MasterFeatureList.Count() == 0)
using (IM5Context context = new M5Context())
MasterFeatureList =
FeatureRepository(context).GetAll().Where(x => x.Enabled == true).ToList();
catch (System.Exception ex)
throw ex;
public static Dictionary<Feature.Values, test> Features = new Dictionary<Feature.Values, test>()
new test { var1 = MasterFeatureList.Find(x=>x.Id==(int) Feature.Values.xyz).Name, Description = "", var2 = "xyz", var3 = "xyz" }
// i have multiple other feature to be initilaized
The above code has a static constructor which has a static member and I am using that in the static dictionary to initialize the values .But the dictionry gets accessed before the static constructor initializes it .
In order to handle the above case instead of using the constructor to initialize the static master list, i have added a explicit call to static function that will initialize the static masterlist and then can check if the masterlist has a value use that
public static string SetName(int featureId)
using (IM5Context context = new M5Context())
if (MasterFeatureList.Count() == 0)
MasterFeatureList = new xyzRepository(context).GetAll().Where(x => x.Enabled == true).ToList();
if (MasterFeatureList.Any(x => x.Id == featureId))
return MasterFeatureList.Find(x => x.Id == featureId).Name;
return new FeatureRepository(context).GetById(featureId).Name;
public static readonly Dictionary<Feature.Values, test> Features = new Dictionary<Feature.Values, test>()
new test { ServiceName = SetName((int)Feature.Values.xyz), Description = "", KbUrl = "xyz", TemplateAppendix = "xyz" }