I have a rather simple raw SQL query which works as I want:
WHERE set.is_finalized = 1
AND set.id NOT IN
(SELECT set_completion.set_id FROM set_completion WHERE set_completion.user_id = 2)
Now I try to get the same result set in Doctrine Query Builder. I built something like this, which also works and gives me the correct result:
$subQuery = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
$subQueryResult = $subQuery
->from('App\Entity\SetCompletion', 'c')
->where('c.user = :user')
->setParameter('user', $user)
return $this->createQueryBuilder('s')
->andWhere('s.isFinalized = :finalized')
->andWhere('s.id not in (:completions)')
->setParameter('finalized', true)
->setParameter('completions', $subQueryResult)
->orderBy('s.id', 'DESC')
However I do feel that this looks overcomplicated and not very clean. For the sake of learning, is there a way to achieve the same result with something less bloated? Perhaps something utilizing JOIN-s in a single query? Sometimes I simply can't wrap my head around joining results in DQL/Builder when it comes to something more than simple inclusive conditions.
Convert your "rather simple raw SQL query which works as I want" to
SELECT set.*
FROM set
LEFT JOIN set_completion ON set.id = set_completion.set_id
AND set_completion.user_id = 2
WHERE set.is_finalized = 1
AND set_completion.set_id IS NULL
Then build DQL representation of this query.